I’M Debbie Prediger

Empowerment Leader and Strategist

You have a dream on your heart, a calling that sings in your soul.

I do everything in my power to have that dream come true. I am the perfect blend of mindset, high-level strategy, and get out of your own way accountability.
I sprinkle in intuition & a bit of magic

Along with connection, celebration and community built in.
I believe ~Together we can go so much further, faster and it's so much more fun too!!
Always with focus on heart-centered and soul aligned implementation steps.
Business Momentum + Strategy

Empowerment Leader

What does an empowerment Leader actually do?

Great question!

I help you recognize the gap between what you say you desire and the actions steps you are taking to make those dreams come true.
Through awareness - we make a choice! An empowered choice to realign, reset and refocus on our dreams, out goals and the outcome. We tweak until it feels perfectly aligned to our purpose driven calling. We release limiting beliefs that are standing in the way and recognize what is FEAR and what is subconscious beliefs or energy stuck in your body...asking to be seen, heard and then released.

I do this through my signature Empowering YOU release sessions, 1:1 and group coaching programs as well as masterminds, and empowerment circles.

Not sure what fits your needs the best?
no worries, let's chat

Business Momentum + Strategy Masterclasses

I've partnered with The Wellness Universe to bring you a series of masterclasses that are suited for all heart-led entrepreneurs who know they are meant for more, ready to uplevel their online businesses, so they can reach their audiences, make a bigger impact

as well as more influence and prosperity .

This series started June 2022 and runs 2 x a month until June 2023.
Each class is donation based and available to anyone for an equal energy exchange donation. Each session is 90 minutes and valued at $149 US. The replay is available to anyone that registered and stays as an on-demand (evergreen) Masterclass to watch as offer as you desire.
For all paying students of these classes there is a private community where you get feedback on your growth work as well as celebration, and are able to ask me questions unique to your business struggles.

It is the fastest and most economical way to connect with me and get my mentorship and support.
Each masterclass builds momentum in your business and can be a stand alone class OR used as a series with consistent growth happening each week.

Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU

You're ready for the next level, the new you

Inspired, excited to serve your ideal audience.
You are looking for new ways to reach them,

make an impact for them with them
You know there's another level for both those you serve and for your business. It's all about the right connections, strategies and consistent action in the forward direction.
The time is now, you've just been waiting for the right leader to link arms with.
You've found her! I am the leader of leaders and NOTHING lights me up like hearing the dream on your heart and re-igniting it.

You know you are meant for more, Right?

You've tried other trendy tactics and big guru's checklists...left disappointed and a bit empty

You are tired of doing this all alone, you are looking for community that lifts, inspires and cheers you on.

You know collaboration is the key to scaling your business

You love high-level big thinkers that can brainstorm with you

You are heart-centered and need to feel aligned with the action steps to build momentum. Integrity is everything

You have a calling, a dream on your heart and big WHY that does go away, it's always whispering to you.

Dare to Dream

Give yourself permission to dream. BIG audacious goals ..let your heart whisper to you ..It's time to LISTEN and get Clarity on what you truly desire. You are the creator of your dreams...
What do you want?

Community and Connection

Success without people to share it with is empty, unfulfilling and dull. That's why we build communities, it's all about relationships, connections and celebration.
We rise together

And it's so much fun

The Perfect Blend

I have the perfect blend of heart -led, intuitive "trust your gut, open your mind to see, hear and know the answers" + the logical strategic mind that LOVES to brainstorm. mastermind with the best of the best and be resourceful

Signature Release

Stuck? Tried everything? Can't figure it out?
Perhaps you have an energy block ( stagnant energy stuck in your body ) ask me more!
I loved this..pain and even disEASE is the result when your body is speaking to you and you aren't listening.
A simple and very effective session has you moving forward with grace and ease!

Who am I perfect for?

Heart-led thought-leaders, change-makers and visionaries who KNOW they are meant for more. That there is another level of service and offers they haven't yet tapped into.

They have a desire to clarify their message and impact their expanded audience. In fact, that new audience is waiting for them to truly

"SHOW up, LEAN in" to their calling and serve at the highest level.

They are ready to stretch themselves even when it's uncomfortable and to commit to being consistent in their actions so they can celebrate the momentum and growth their business deserves and needs to make the impact they know they are meant for.

Those ready to connect with other leaders with similar visions and core values. Knowing fully that these connections and relations can uplevel their businesses quickly. They desire to be READY for these introductions and opportunities and are willing to commit to the steps or roadmap to achieve the results .

Ready for growth and willing to do the work

Love collaboration and know the value of a mastermind, a high-level community

Enjoy masterminding and know the power of 3 + minds coming together for growth and expansion

Excited to step into what is possible and embrace opportunities presented.

Able to make quick and confident decisions with ease, and always follow the intuitive breadcrumbs

Love new techniques, connections, embrace adventure, and fun in business

love mixing proven strategies and science with heart-led tools such as visualization, flow state brainstorming sessions and tapping into your own wisdom

love mixing proven strategies and science with heart-led tools such as visualization, flow state brainstorming sessions and tapping into your own wisdom

About Me

I am a retired nurse who learned skills of observation, a keen sense of what is needed to "fix" a problem, an action taker that knows how to make decisions quickly (to save lives you have to be a quick thinker and sure of your decisions right?)
A self-starter and entrepreneur that successfully owned, operated 3 computer stores, managed 15+ staff in 3 different communities all with a focus on "customer service" and solving their problems. This was a 7 figure business model.
Early adopter, I've been an entrepreneur since I was 10 years old and I have no plans on quitting anytime soon. I believe money in the hands of good people does great things. I have BIG plans to do great things...I am a giver at heart. The secret to living is giving.
I embrace masterminds because I believe and have proof that when 2 or more big brains come together for a common goal amazing and HUGE shifts happen. I LOVE the Think and Grow Rich business principles and have ran very successful needle moving masterminds using the T&GR for women workbook.

I like to say I am the perfect blend of logic and magic. I believe WE create our own reality so clarity of what you would LOVE is your biggest and quickest tool to success.
I love to figure things out, and I also LOVE tapping into intuition, a knowing that I can trust the answers are already inside of me and always available to me. Asking empowering questions and staying curious is a great technique I use daily.
I am a bit obsessed with strategy and LOVE to learn new techniques. I am VERY current on what's working and what's not. I am a natural connector and love being the bridge to fill the gap in your business. What's missing? Where are their gaps, what's not working or needs tweaking...let me in your business mindset so we can talk strategy and I will be your go to girl for life.

A bit about me personally, I am a small town girl, with a heart to serve and LOVE to travel, volunteer and make a difference in this world.
Born and raised on a farm in Alberta Canada, I married a farmer...we raised our twin boys here on this 4th generation ranch and now have grandbabies we love and adore here as well. Knowing and honoring your roots is super important to me. I am a loyal friend and business partner... now let's learn about you!!!


Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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